Saturday, December 31, 2011

Up and Lifting (First Post)

Who I Am

I am a full time Personal Trainer working out of Seattle, WA. I am passionate about my job - and consider it a stepping stone in my career of helping other human beings overcome the by products of our convenient, modern world. I consider these diseases to be depression, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and hormonal imbalances that in turn lead to depression, diabetes, obesity.... point taken. I am not an academic, scientist, or professional writer... just a young man with appreciation for learning. I am not trying to cure cancer or save the world, nor do I mean to spread misinformation, pseudoscience, or make claims to do anything extraordinary. I am simply someone interested in the truth, and am blessed with the opportunity to share it with others.

I have rural and humble beginnings. I do not come from a wealthy family or an outstanding academic or athletic background. My interest in these things has grown with time and maturity - and owes nothing to outside pressures or financial incentive. I have a Father with epilepsy and a passion for Christianity, a Mother with diabetes and a heart bigger than you can measure, and two younger sisters who are both extremely bright and contribute to my world view often. As far as my social circles go I run in all crowds... preferring the quirky, eccentric, and determined folk that make the human race worth saving.

Why I'm Writing

It's fast approaching a new year and I believe it's time to make some changes. I am creating this blog to keep track of my thought processes that seem relevant enough to record, and to keep myself accountable to the philosophies I try to live by and intentionally or inadvertently spread to others. It will also be very much a training journal. I imagine things will start off rather sloppy and unreadable. I hope that as I continue this practice I will progress so that myself and my readers may have a better understanding of the positions that I take on certain subjects. I suppose the decision to create a blog of my own is influenced by the countless other people who are truly spreading good information and wisdom in a time where you can find a bias to confirm anything you desire. I will keep my reading list updated as best I can.

Comments are encouraged!

Topics that will be addressed

It is silly to set in stone a list of subjects to be covered in an open ended experiment like this... the general topics will be something like:

Evolution - This is the lens I view all live processes through. Do not confuse this with atheism or denial of any divine process.

Nutrition - What makes all life possible. Respect it.

Strength Training - My greatest joy and passion. Possessing the knowledge to become more than you currently are, and the discipline to put in action is a powerful thing.

Psychology - Speculative. Inquiring. Ephemeral - it aids us in coping with our unique role in nature.

Enlightenment - "There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting."